about me

I’m Russ Saunders. I moved to Louisville, Ky in 2009 to search for opportunity, instead I found a pile of steel tubes and a brazing torch. Sleepcycles’ gets it’s name from another hobby of mine, but we won’t go into that here. A love for creating beautiful functional bicycles, tortured by perfection, and made to perform under daily abuse! I’d love for the privilege to take the concept that lives in your head, and create the most ideal bicycle for you. With a background in design, fabrication, machining, and what seems like a lifetime in and out of a bike shop, it was a natural progression when I decided to pick up a torch. Of course I’m still learning, and if I do it right, I always will. My focus is to create beautiful one- off bicycles. Tailored to fit your size, riding demands, and lifestyle.